
In this survey a series of similar looking charts will be presented. We would like you to select/deselect plot features (such as adding trendlines and color) to select plots which are most different from the others.
You will have two charts to help you understand how the app works and six(?) charts for the survey.
Finally we would like to collect some information about you. (age category, education, STEM background, and gender).
Your response is voluntary and any information we collect from you will be kept confidential. Please read the informed consent document (click the button below) before you decide whether to participate.
Show Informed Consent Document

Demographic Information

Practice: Select the most different plots to advance to the study

Plot Features

Check the boxes to show plot features.
Uncheck boxes to remove plot features.
Throughout the study you can check and uncheck the boxes as much or as little as you'd like.


Click on the plots which appear most different from the others. You must select two plots.


Your choices: Plot 17 and Plot 5

Ex. Points cover a large range of values, outliers, clustering, points make a different shape, line had a different slope, etc.
Ex. I found color to be the most helpful and error band helped me identify a different feature of the graph.